I had a chance to scrap with Statment by Jodi's kit "Elementary" last night after our "Scotland Steak Send-off" meal! (My MIL, her Mom & Sisters were going to Scotland - so we had steaks on the grill (organic from Futility farms - thanks to me winning that photo-contest!), corn on the cob (fresh from my Aunt's garden), potatos & warm apple crisp (from my Dad's apple trees)! It was DELICIOUS if I do say so myself! ;)
Anyways - its an awesome kit - and I had a blast scrapping with it - I hope to do a few more pages here in the next couple days once Trevor officially starts school!!
Here's my Layout - the image is linked to my gallery - where you can go and leave me some LOVE :D Enjoy!!
Awww... he looks so cute going into school Great page! I wish I was there! Love Mom